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  1. 臨床護理




    【摘要】  目的 研究協同護理對急性腦卒中患者自我護理能力的影響。方法 選取2020年3月至2021年3月在我院就診的急性腦卒中患者150例,隨機均衡分為兩組,每組75例,對照組給予常規干預,觀察組行協同護理,分析組間干預價值。

    【關鍵字】  急性腦卒中,協同護理,自我護理能力,滿意度,生活質量


    [Abstract]Objective To study the effect of collaborative nursing on self-care ability of patients with acute stroke. Methods From March 2020 to March 2021, 150 patients with acute stroke in our hospital were selected and randomly divided into two groups, 75 cases in each group. The control group was given routine intervention, and the observation group performed collaborative nursing, and the value of intervention between groups was analyzed. Results The self-care effect and satisfaction between the groups were compared, the observation group was better than the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the self-care ability scale, negative emotions, knowledge of diseases, and quality of life scores between the two groups before the intervention (P>0.05). After the intervention, the observation group had higher scores of self-care ability scale, knowledge of diseases, and quality of life, while the negative emotion scores were lower, which was significantly different from the control group (P<0.05).

    在臨床上,腦卒中屬疑難重癥的一種,較為常見,病死率、致殘率均較高。在患病后,患者機體常有功能障礙存在,負面情緒較為嚴重,帶給其家庭的負擔也較為沉重[1]。針對腦卒中患者來講,自我護理能力十分關鍵,可在很大程度上使家庭矛盾得以緩解,康復效果得到保障,有助于降低復發風險。協同護理開展護理主動性策略,家屬、患者積極性得到充分調動,積極參與干預工作,有助于強化患者的自護技能、心理、認知,使其信心得以樹立[2]。本旨在探討協同護理對急性腦卒中患者的療效,現報道如下。 1 資料與方法 1.1一般資料 2選取2020年3月至2021年3月在我院就診的急性腦卒中患者150例,隨機均衡分為兩組,每組75例。其中對照組男36例,女39例,年齡54~76歲,平均(59.28±4.14)歲;觀察組男37例,女38例,年齡52~76歲,平均(58.63±4.06)歲。對比組間一般資料,差異無統計學意義(P>0.05)。



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