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  1. 調查研究




    【摘要】  【摘要】目的 評價膽舒軟膠囊對膽囊結石伴發疼痛的治療效果。方法 A試驗選取2018年12月至2019年11月為期一年的門診慢性結石性膽囊炎伴右上腹隱痛患者共74例,35例觀察組口服膽舒軟膠囊,39例對照組口服消炎利膽片;B試驗選取同期急診入院治療的膽囊結石伴急性膽絞痛患者共101例,53例觀察組口服膽舒軟膠囊,48例對照組口服消炎利膽片。以服藥后疼痛變化為觀察指標,計算治療有效率,利用統計學方法分別對兩個試驗數據進行分析。

    【關鍵字】  膽囊結石,疼痛,膽舒軟膠囊


    [Abstract] Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Danshu Soft Capsule on gallstone accompanied by pain. Methods The trial A selected 74 outpatients with chronic calculous cholecystitis accompanied by right upper abdominal cryptodynia from December 2018 to November 2019. 35 cases in the observation group took Danshu Soft Capsule orally and 39 cases in the control group took XiaoyanLidan Tablets orally. In the B trial, 101 cases of gallstones accompanied by acute biliary colic were selected for emergency admission treatment in the same period as trial A,53 cases in the observation group,takingDanshu Soft Capsule, 48 cases of control group took XiaoyanLidan Tablet orally. Taking the pain changes after taking medicine as the observation index, the effective rate of treatment was calculated, and the data of the two experiments were analyzed by statistical method. Results In experiment A, the effective rate of the observation group was 80.0%, while that of the control group was 76.9%. There was no statistical difference between the two groups. In experiment B, the effective rate of the observation group was 78.0%, and that of the control group was 59.1%, with statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion Anshu Soft Capsule and XiaoyanLidan Tablet have good effect in the treatment of chronic calculous cholecystitis with epigastric cryptodynia, and both of them have the same effect;Danshu Soft Capsule may be superior to XiaoyanLidan Tablet in the effective rate and the speed of relieving pain for the treatment of Acute biliary colic.

    膽囊結石是一種名副其實的常見病、多發病,我國膽囊結石發病率為7%~10%[1],而西方國家成人發病率高達15%[2]。膽囊結石的典型癥狀為膽絞痛,表現為急性右上腹痛伴節律性加重,多發生于餐后或夜間;也有患者表現為上腹隱痛不適等非典型癥狀,但多數膽囊結石患者可無任何癥狀[3-4]。如果有明顯癥狀或并發癥,或出現并發癥的風險較高,這類情況以手術治療為主[5],然而在實際治療過程中,部分患者因癥狀不嚴重或無手術意愿而選擇藥物對癥治療,膽囊結石導致的疼痛通常使用鎮痛藥物或解痙藥物對癥處理[6]。有臨床證據表明,部分中成藥物如消炎利膽片對膽囊結石、膽囊炎導致的疼痛具有一定治療作用[7-8],膽舒軟膠囊亦因具有類似的效果而作為治療膽囊結石、膽囊炎的常用藥物,為驗證膽舒軟膠囊的療效,故以消炎利膽片為對照,設計了如下試驗。 1 資料與方法 1.1 一般資料:A試驗選取2018年12月至2019年11月為期一年的門診慢性結石性膽囊炎伴右上腹隱痛患者共74例,一般資料見表1。



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